Managing Team Performance
The word performance is one that gets used often in the work setting - it describes the effort we take to get work done and to accomplish results. Traditionally, it was our performance that we were evaluated on at the end of the year. Our manager was usually responsible for this evaluation and it typically involved filling out a standard company form. Quite often such evaluations included a performance rating which indicated numerically how well we met expectations. Managing performance today is still as important as it used to be. In fact, it may be more important. However, in team settings, the approach we take to managing and evaluating performance can vary greatly from traditional methods. First, the emphasis is on meeting not only the manager's expectations, but also those of the customer. Second, high performance organizations focus on managing performance of not only individuals but also work teams and entire work processes. Finally, managing that performance is not solely the responsibility of the manager. In most cases the team can and should play a big role in managing their own performance.
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